To My Single Queens: Part II

Hey my loves!

For the past month, I have been gathering myself to release my upcoming book The Single Woman’s Plug (which was supposed to release last month btw!), but I’ll get to that part in a minute!

Today, I took a minute and just breathed. It is so easy to get caught up in so many things to the point where you feel like you don’t have a balance and everything starts blurring together. Whew…that’s what September and October felt like for me! But, I’m here and I’m maintaining. The point is we all get overwhelmed…but we must remember to rest, not quit.

When I first started blogging, I wrote a blog called For My Single Queens, which was actually my first blog to go viral hitting 20k views in the first few days. A year later, I am preparing to release a book not only for single women, but for women who married, in complicated relationships, and women who have found love again. The book took so long to complete because its so personal to me. I had to take a creative cleanse to prepare for the book release. When I first started writing SWP, I was single and broken. I hadn’t healed from certain things in my past not realizing I was holding myself back. Open wounds were still being hit because I was entertaining people of my past. Until I told myself that enough was enough. I deserved to give myself better.

A year later and a half later…

I am now in a happy and healthy relationship with a man that I love. I am with a person I can be myself with 24/7, and he is a part of my peace. He takes my fears away from my heart. I am with a man who is not perfect, but he loves God and he loves me. The beauty of my relationship is the relationship just happened. I wasn’t looking or expecting to meet anyone. I was living my life focused on me…and then it just happened.

But listen….I didn’t get to this place in my life overnight… It took long nights of doubts, tears, unspoken words, mixed feelings, longgggg talks with God etc. to really understand why I had to go through what I went through.

Take time to heal from what hurt you. Take time to love yourself before you give yourself to someone else. Take time to appreciate that you didn’t settle with just anyone and you know the wait will be worth it.

I always tell single women that singlehood is not a disease (even when I was single). There is absolutely nothing wrong in waiting and having standards for what you truly want in a partner. Life is short and you should spend it with someone who is worth it. Unfortunately, “relationship goals” and society make us feel like being single is the end of the world or something is wrong with us. Some women feel like they have to be in rush or have to be married at a certain age to fit society’s standards. To hell with society.  Take your time until the right one comes.

As SWP is FINALLY being released soon, I want this book to help women who are sad, broken, lost, or just wants to give up on love. I’ve been there. I know what its like to cry yourself to sleep. I don’t wish heartbreak on anyone because there is nothing fun about it. I want this book to empower women who overcame their heartache and found love again.  I want this book to be a reminder that you are enough, single or not. 


Oprah “Zip” Bradford wearing  SWP Shirt

(Shirts will be available with upcoming October book release!)

I still get emails from single women who read For My Single Queens telling me thank you. This is my time to say thank you as well. When I was in a broken place in my singlehood, I didn’t even want to write the book anymore. How can I write a book for single women encouraging them when I wasn’t happy being single myself? That was the place I was in. That was the place God delivered me from. That was the place I found me again. Time and forgiveness is how I moved forward…

And you will too.

One day at a time.

Don’t rush the process. 

Focus now. Bloom later. 

Until next time,






5 Comments Add yours

  1. Love that shirt! And so glad to hear you’ve found love 🙂 Big Hugs to you!


    1. Thank you! ❤️😊

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Gaynell Crockett says:

    I so can’t wait for the book to drop💕 It is a book that I know I can benefit from in the process of God sending me Real Love along my new journey 🙏🙌 I also love the shirt and would like to purchase one if I can. I am also so very happy that you found love! You are a wonderful person who deserves it all, and thank you for taking the time to share the plug with all of us single women💟


    1. And I was working on SWP when you wrote this comment lol! Thank you for the continuous support Gay! ❤️


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